Thursday, 15 March 2018

what is black friday ? why people celebrate this day and why people called friday as black friday

What is black Friday ? why people celebrate this day?
Well there are so many comes in the mind why we make Friday as black day when did it happens why all the malls offers discounts so on..

Well let me clear here this day is not officially celebrated anywhere in the world and of course this is not a public holiday except american state department who got off this day. 


This day comes after thanks forgiving day which is a public holiday in america and soon after on next day people celebrate sales discounts across countries on Friday.
Many people claims that by black friday chirstmas season begans and people got holidays and they spend most of the time in shopping.

Well in many countries violence have been reported during shoppers distributing , all over the world 18 deaths reporting since 2000s and several injured almost 50000 .


last year in 2017 NDTV india reported a hidden camera in ladies changing room during black friday and soon after those video sell to darkweb ( A paid Porn web ) as everybody knows that india is not a safest destination for women many females being raped across different parts of the country and this incident damaged the Indian image internationally. 

Now governments and security services more focusing to ensure the security of women's and taking steps to making it safe for the people who enjoys sales during black friday 

Written by : Nouman kaleem

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